Fortran was established in September 1988.


 Our aim in establishing Fortran was to concentrate on Japanese language training mainly in the special areas of business and technology.

Our philosophy

We teach Japanese based on the following principles

Feasibility and efficiency


In order to  use time efficiently, Fortran teaches practical Japanese wherever it is most convenient for our students – face to face or on-line.


Motivation and proficiency

By creating personalized learning programs for each individual student or group of students geared to their specific needs and using cognitive methods, we allow students to advance at a pace that is appropriate to their own motivation and proficiency.

Confidence and adventure

By showing that, even with a limited basic knowledge, it’s possible to communicate in a foreign language, we instill confidence in our students, so that they will consider each and every language exchange to be an adventure.

Fortran’s approach


Our approach is both fast and effective because we:

teach you exactly what you need to know in specific situations, in social and business situations you will encounter in the real world so you can use what you have learned right from the beginning of your program;

provide explanations in English so you can spend more time practicing Japanese;

focus on how and why Japanese used in specific situations will provide you with essential insights into the logic of the country’s culture which is paramount to learning any language.